Sunny Leone's debut Bollywood movie Jism 2 has done a decent business at the Indian Box Office. The movie has collected approximately Rs 21 crores nett at the collection centres. But Pooja Bhatt directed movie has failed to break the first weekend collection record of Mahesh Bhatt's previous releases Murder 2 and Jannat 2, which had raked in Rs 22 crores and Rs 23 crores nett, respectively.
Jism 2 registered 50% to 65% occupancy in its paidpreviews on Thursday and collected approximately Rs 1 crore on this Raksha Bandhan holiday. The Sunny Leone-Randeep Hooda starrer movie enjoyed the same amount of occupancy on Friday too. It collected Rs 7.5 crores nett on the first day of its release. Its first day business was better than that of Murder 2 (Rs 7.1 crore), but it was lesser than that of Jannat 2 (Rs 8.52 crore).
Usually Mahesh Bhatt's movies will get a good opening at the Box Office and that is due to the initial hype, but their business subsequently go down on the second day. The collection of Murder 2 andJannat 2 had gone down on the second day. Like them, Jism 2 slipped considerably on Saturday and collected Rs 6.3 crore nett.
Both Murder 2 and Jannat 2 had done goodbusiness on the third day with their collection reaching Rs 9 crore and Rs 8.61 crore, respectively. Whereas, the business of Jism 2 also witnessed improvement on Sunday, but it was not up to their level. On the third day, the movie collected approximately Rs 7 crore, which is lesser than its first day collection.
However, Jism 2 makers had a huge promotion for the movie prior to its release. Sunny Leone's skin show and music are the major attractions of the film. But it received negative reviews from film critics for its lacklustre screenplay and sluggish pace. Besides this, it garnered bad word of mouth, which spread on social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook and resulted in average collection.
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